Enjoy Single Life By Purchasing Stuffs from Hotgvibe

There are so many things we can do to have fun though we are single. Some people who are recently single find that dealing with the single life is not easy at all. This makes them really feel so complicated, because they really still want to have someone to spend their time with. This is good to know that there are many solutions especially to deal with the sexual need because some who have active sex life might find it difficult to go through the single life. But now, with the little help from the right things we can simply overcome it. This will be really good for us to get the vibrator to deal with the loneliness. This is biological need which we can get from vibrator when we are single.

There is nothing wrong with it because we really can find them really useful and it can help us to deal with the loneliness. The Hotgvibe.com is the website we can check to get the products that we need in order to help us to get the very best solution. There will be so many solutions we can find and one of the most popular stuffs is the vibrator. This hot g vibe.com can give us the solution that we can do to handle the situation. We can simply use the vibrator to have fun with ourselves. This must be very effective to get over the boring single life.

We all need the right products that you really can get so that it will lead you to get your excellent result and you must be able to have fun with the vibrator. This hot g vibe give us the best that we can have and this is what we are going to get. Nothing is matter by being a single.

Stay Updated With the Latest News of Porn

Everybody has their own interests and hobbies. Some people prefer reading books or listening to music while others prefer to watching movies or playing PC games. You could find people who love travelling and some other people who love fishing or canoeing. Some people love to collect stamps or sea shells while others love to collects bottle caps or baseball cards. You even could find people who love porn and any other adult materials in this world. And just like any other people, people who have this kind of interest will do anything to get the latest copy of their favorite adult video or get an autographed poster of their favorite porn star on some porn conferences. But some others are not as diehard as these peoples. They just like to watch their adult videos collection and enjoy the beauty of it.

Not like any other product that available in the market, porn and any other adult materials are created for adult purpose only. It’s basically considered as entertainment products that could provide you excitement and satisfaction through their adult materials. If you’re looking for a fantastic sexual scene, bunch of horny babes with sexy looks and several sexual references, porn is definitely the best answer for you. However, since it’s produced for adult consumption, you have to make sure that your kids or any other minor ages at your house couldn’t get any access to these materials. 

If you like porn and porn star, you might want to know every time your favorite porn star launches her new video in the store. To get the latest news on porn industry and get the most updated issue from your favorite porn star, you could follow http://twitter.com/porn, a twitter account with various news and information about porn industry and porn star. By following this account, you will get the latest issue about anything happened behind this monstrous industry. You even could know your favorite porn star better and get closer to them personally. This account is definitely the finest way to stay updated with the latest porn materials over the internet.

Must-read Classics for Kids

Reading should always be an integral part of growing up. It should always start in the home and encouraged even until the children are already grown up. It is only in this way that they learn the value of reading which they can carry on until their twilight years and then pass on to their own children and grandchildren.

From the time they are born, children are exposed to nursery rhymes and then to the fairy tales. Once they are a little older and are able to widen their understanding of surrounding, the children's classics should be gradually introduced. These classics are worth reading because they impart lessons relevant to life and insights that will help them comprehend the world they are living in.

There are numerous classic children's books to choose from and we're sharing some of the most well-known stories. These stories never grow old as they can be read over and over again even by adults.

Modern Self Help Classics

Self help or motivational literature tends to hold up a mirror to the society that created it. Victorian sobriety and industry provided us with the robust self-reliance of the Samuel Smiles classic, Self-Help. The Depression age gave us the American archetype of the wandering salesman, making a sincere effort to know and understand others (How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie). The optimism of revivified, post-war America yielded optimistic, motivational classics such as The Magic of Thinking Big, where the power of positive thinking perfectly complemented America's manifest destiny of benevolent global hegemony.

In the 1980s, big goals and instant change were order of the day. This was perhaps the decade where life coaching went mainstream and figures such as Anthony Robbins emerged as motivational superstars. The genre continued to evolve over the next twenty years. The explosion of creative self help literature around the century's end saw a marked divergence between more spiritually focused works and those that celebrated rapid accumulation of wealth. Now that the credit and property bubbles have burst, has a new self help literature emerged that suits these troubled times? A quick review of recent works suggests that we have found a new model.

Modern Day Urdu Literature - A Review

If you are fond of reading and that to of Urdu literature and that to of classical one, you should be aware of the great writers like Shafeeq-ur-Rehman, Tarar, Yousafi, Hijazi, Ashfaq Ahmed, Qudrut-ulla-shahab, Mumtaz Mufti and so many greats of their time. I have read their books to quench my literary thirst again and again, never felt bore. They are legends, who we all are proud to have amidst us in form and theory of books.

A child growing up nowadays would look stunned by the successors of those legends. I mean, what has happened to the new generation of writers? Why did they miss the classical touch, the super duper novels, the commendable style, the effortless writing, the supreme dominance over readers, the magnificent humor, the sweetest of romance and lovely books of our previous breed of writers. What really happened? I discussed it on Facebook as well in a group, "Shua, Kiran and Khawateen Digest" but there was no female writer to say anything about it. The responses came mainly from readers, just like me.

Why You Should Study an English Literature Masters Course

If you're already in the process of studying an English Literature Masters Course, then you'll be well aware of the new knowledge and skills that you'll learn, and the benefits that having an MA can bring. If you're not convinced why you should study English Literature, or stay at university after you've completed your degree, then, this is what you need to know.

* You'll have the time and inclination to be able to study the classic authors that you haven't got round to reading yet. Or, perhaps you've read few books by Shakespeare, Chaucer, Wilde, or Dickens, and want to read more, or want to know how and why these authors are still important and influential today.

* You'll need to read the some of most important books of all time. From the works of Shakespeare and Dickens to some of the more modern classics. If reading is your thing, then surely you'll want to know more about these books and characters.

Introducing Your Child To Literature

Over the past few years I have wondered if this is the last era of fine literature. In fact as a writer I'm wondering if I should even bother to write a novel or anything of that sort, because I'm wondering if anyone will read it. Most people tend to have a very low attention span, and I imagine the next generation coming up and those after that are only going to get worse due to the information flow on the Internet and the speed at which all of this content is delivered. I'm not the only one that thinks this you can ask any English teacher in high school, they will tell you the same thing. Okay let's talk.

As parents, it's important for us to introduce our children to literature. Get them to read more, and even if they start out merely reading Harry Potter, maybe that is a worthy endeavor. No, I don't wish to promote the occult, witchcraft, or anything else, but if the Harry Potter series gets children to read and reading at a very young age, then I would say it's all good. Nevertheless, parents also need to introduce their kids to the classics, all those literary classics that we've read. They may not read them in school, and I imagine that the way our schools and education system is set up today will be different in the decades to come.

Neo Classicism Enlightenment - Treatment of Classic Themes in Modern Style

Neoclassicism is a unique movement in the decorative, literature, classical arts and theatre that originated in the middle of the 18th century. Ancient Greek and Roman culture draw upon the Western classical arts and culture during this era.

Neo classicism artists do not make dreary reproductions of their creations- be it arts, sculpture or poetry but makes something new and innovative every time. This ensures a high standard. However a neo classical artist runs more chance in churning out mediocre and innocuous stuff in his over enthusiasm to be different. More than just creating something entirely new, neoclassicism is a natural expression of a culture with all its elements and the finesse with which an artist regains the lost elements that might have slipped into the oblivion is what makes a neo classic artist successful and popular.

Neoclassicism has thrown open countless possibilities in interior designing, inspired by the rediscoveries at Pompeii and Herculaneum, dating back to the 1740s. Intelligent and sensuous application of these styles has resulted in the creation of some of the most enchanting interiors in the Baroque style. The Roman styled rooms of William Kent were actually based on the classic basilica and temple exterior architecture, which was given a different treatment.

When Trying to Emulate Classical Authors is Not a Good Idea

I recently critiqued a spate of unpublished manuscripts that were well written for the most part except for what I refer to as "literary retro," and I thought it might be a good idea to address what my phrase encompasses.

For many readers and writers, the most obvious instance of "dated" writing is material with excess comma usage that mirrors the respective styles of Henry James, Jane Austin, and other Victorian-era authors of classical literature. But the problematic issues with antiquated writing are much more extensive than abundant commas, and include placing a character's thoughts in quotations, combining different tenses, and awkward POV shifts. And many of the worst offenders are recipients of literature's most prestigious awards.

Kafka wrote the metamorphosis approximately 100 years ago. The work's value as a dream-narrative is indisputable, but the author's quoting of thoughts can be misconstrued as an acceptable technique--when it is not. Bob thought, "What can I do now?" is going to rapidly send a manuscript to the slush pile; whereas, Bob wondered what he was going to do next, while not scintillating writing (and flagrant Telling and not Showing), would not in itself most likely discourage an agent or publisher from continuing to read the draft.

Your Summer Reading - Add a Classic or Two

A bibliophile addicted to the smell and feel of a book in my hand, I finally broke down and bought a Kindle, not because I planned to do all my reading electronically, but because I needed a copy of a particular book for an article I was writing and I needed it quickly. Later, after a much considered electronics purchase, I was able to download another book within sixty seconds at no cost to me. Although this no-cost business is obviously a serious advantage in the strain of these economic times, it is the least of the reasons to read, or in many cases, reread the classics. The enduring themes, the eloquent diction and structure of the language, and the knowledge accumulated toward building your own cultural literacy should be enough to convince you to continue reading the classics with uncommon enthusiasm. If you haven't picked up a classic in years, let me urge you to add at least one to your summer reading list. Here's why.

Enduring themes, those ideas about life that transcend time, repeatedly permeate and extend their wisdom throughout the whole of literature today. In essence, they continue to teach us not only that some things never change but also that we have much to learn from them. People everywhere understand these themes on the level that currently relates to the issues with which they are coping. Thus, when we identify with both the problems and the ideals of fiction that essentially illustrate our own familiar dilemmas, our losses and gains, we somehow feel more prepared to make sense of our own lives. In 1624 the English poet John Donne wrote, "Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind," which is precisely why enduring themes strike a chord with all of humanity. Our lives share common threads that bind us together.

Classic Literature List From The Most Versatile Writers

Most lists of classic literature will cover poetry, plays and novels by the most famous exponents of these forms. But this classic literature list will look at things slightly differently because it will only consider popular writers who crossed into different forms of writing.

William Shakespeare is perhaps the most famous writer in the English language. He is known as the creator of tragedies like Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet as well as comedies like Much Ado About Nothing and histories like Henry V. But he also wrote poems. Shakespeare's Sonnets collects 154 poems and is sold across the world.

Edgar Allan Poe is another writer who worked in different literary forms. He is known as a writer of gothic short stories but he was also a novelist and poet. In addition he pioneered the detective genre, which would later be popularized by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. Poe's poetry and short stories can be found collected in one volume and his only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, remains in print. All of his work is in the public domain, so different editions by various publishers can be found on book shelves.

Benefits of Reading Classic Literature

Classic literature is a portal to the human spirit and imagination, a link to our history and development, and a path in which to navigate the educated world. Its benefits include the knowledge of ourselves as human beings, the knowledge of our roots, and the knowledge of how these concepts and realities tie to our current life.

Literature becomes classic by embedding in its pages themes that tie humanity together. It presents conflicts, choices, human nature, character, ethics, morality-elements of life that are as relevant to someone in Beijing as they are to someone in Minot, North Dakota.

"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck is a story of overcoming a criminal past, combating hunger and poverty, fighting to provide for one's family, encountering corruption, and fighting for a cause larger than oneself. "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy depicts the plight of a woman who is seduced, pregnant and unwed, searching for love, fighting for survival in an unequal world, and being rejected. Even Arthur Conan Doyle's stories of Sherlock Holmes remind us that brilliant eccentrics are quirky and, despite their intellect, they sometimes choose a destructive path as evidenced in his cocaine use.

Such shared human experiences cut across national boundaries, ages, languages, religions, ethnicities and gender. They bring us together to realize we all bleed red and we all struggle on earth although the circumstances may vary.

Tutoring and Teaching Methods to Improve Reading Comprehension in Classic Literature

Many high school students have a difficult experience with their first classic literature assignment. The archaic prose of works by Dickens, Melville and Shakespeare can prove difficult to understand and seem like a whole other language. So how do we break the barriers between literature and learning?

There are a variety of ways that we can increase comprehension when reading literature. Using these techniques increase the comprehension of a classic novel in a variety of students and can result in successful comprehension of the piece of literature.

One of the top ways to increase comprehension of literature in the classroom, and with tutoring tactics, is to compare the text with a modern day interpretation of the literature. Learning by comparison can be helpful. Comparing the literature to modern situations assist the theme or the classic. Often younger generations will be more adept to learn the themes of classics they are able to identify with. If the tutor is able to provide some mirroring within the classic to modern day situations, the student is more likely to learn the information.

Providing a translation for texts written in poetry can also prove helpful. Since poetry is a language all it's own, especially with Victorian authors such as Byron, Keats and Shelley, providing a text with a contemporary translation under or opposite of each line in the poem increases comprehension for the student.

Reading the Father of Modern Chinese Literature

To read foreign literature in the original language is the ultimate goal for many foreign language students. Requiring knowledge of a few thousands of characters for reading Chinese literature, the challenge is particularly immense for students of Chinese. Lu Xun is China's most famous author and is frequently referred to as the "father" of modern Chinese literature. To read Lu Xun is to experience living in China during the decline of the Qing dynasty and the rise of the Republic of China. His characters are poignant, his style is sarcastic, and his stories are unforgettable. While his stories are laced with difficult Chinese phrases, allusions to Chinese Classics, and historical references, his stories are too important not to read. With a little help and a historical introduction, students of Chinese can enjoy his stories and have the satisfaction of reading one of the world's greatest authors in the original language. In this article, I will be exploring my experience with reading Lu Xun in the original Chinese and hopefully will inspire you to do the same.

Mastering a foreign language is like mastering another culture. When you begin to learn a foreign language, you open yourself up to another way of life and another way of thinking. When you have truly mastered a foreign language you have also mastered the history and culture of that language. How many people can say they are fluent in English without having read some of the best English authors like Shakespeare or Mark Twain? Too many idioms and cultural references come from literature. Without having cultural frames of reference when you are learning another language, you will find yourself lost on certain topics.

Why Classic Literature Is No Longer Relevant to Tech

English teachers and librarians frequently lament the disinclination their students feel toward classic literature-specifically, anything written before the twentieth century. Not only, do they believe, that today's young adults need the short-snappy-immediate prose (if one can call it thus) of cell phone texts, but they will no longer read classic literature on their own, for pleasure's sake, unless it's assigned-and even then, teachers are forced to test against Cliffs Notes and scan for the internet for proof of plagiarized papers. With random predictions forecasting the doom of paper and the downfall of traditional libraries, is it a waste of time to subject teens to the likes of Homer and other historic authors during this Information Age when bite-sized information is the rule of the day?

For many students, who do not hesitate to complain, the language of past writers is too hard. Since people no longer speak or write the way Shakespeare and Jane Austen did, it makes little sense for them to study these archaic modes of communication. After all, they could be developing Power Point presentations which will surely be something more relevant to their futures. Of course, the "too hard" theory is something English teachers should never succumb to or accept when they rush to defend centuries-old literature. The vast majority of students may not go on to become experts in Medieval Literature, but they can each benefit from the self-discipline a reading of Othello, Beowulf, or Crime and Punishment provides.

Pun In Sanskrit Literature - A New Approach

The book under review titled Pun In Sanskrit Literature - A New Approach is a fantastic book.

All Sanskrit lovers and pun lovers should read this book without fail.

The book was first published by Mysore University, India in 1982. The author Gurupad K Hegde is a great scholar and has written this book after intense study of Sanskrit literature for many years.

The book has nine chapters.

The first chapter deals with the pun as alankara in Sanskrit literature.

The origin of pun starts with the first kavya (adi kavya) of the world written by the world's first poet, sage Valmiki.

The origin of Ramayana is from a sloka of pun! The verse starts with 'ma nisada' is a curse on the hunter that he should never attain salvation for he killed the beautiful krauncha bird which was absorbed in love. And wonderfully, the verse also means that the great Lord Vishnu may attain a position for ever as he killed the demon Ravana and Valin.

Free Classic Audio Books - A Deal That's Not Too Good To Be True

With free classic audio books, you can listen to some of the greatest literature ever written-for free!

It's true. Today's technology makes it possible for publishers to deliver classic audio books for free. When publishers do not have to pay for media like compact discs (CDs) or paper and bindings to publish their books, they save a fortune on publishing expenses, and they pass a portion of their savings on to their listeners.

Once a publisher uploads a copy of a free classic book to its web site, it costs the publisher next to nothing to make that book available to the public. The audio book listener merely downloads a series of mp3 files on to their own hardware or listening device.

Free audio books are available only by download. If you get these books on CD, you should expect to pay a fee for hardware (the CD), shipping, and handling.

It's not only technology that makes it possible for publishers to give away free books. Old classic novels, literature, and non-fiction books are extremely affordable for publication, because the copyrights have expired, and the books are royalty free. Publishers provide a much needed public service by making these well-loved, best-selling classics available in free audio book format.

Preparatory Crash Course in Literature for High School Students in the Philippines

In the Philippines today the length of Primary and Secondary schools is being debated whether to add another two more years in the usual six years primary and four years secondary, making secondary also six years for a total of twelve years in preparation to college education. School principals and teachers alike are divided. Paying parents in the privates schools are resistant while even non-paying parents in the public schools raise their brows on the plan of the government. Many sectors question the program for that would mean paying more and staying longer in school. Parents want their kids to finish school right away so that their children can help them alleviate their poverty. So what's the use of adding years in the 100-year long educational system when Filipino graduates all over the world are competitive. Below is a proposal based from a study the writer conducted on the Language and Literature program of Famy National High School Laguna, Philippines on the possible solution to help the lack of students preparation and exposure to Literature before they go to tertiary or higher education sans the issue of adding number of years in the secondary school.

Reviewing Classic Teen Literature

Traditionally, young adult lit involves themes like forging your own identity and building self-acceptance. Recently, however, we've seen a noticeable increase in themes of forsaking your family to become undead, changing your personality to the point of unrecognizability, and feasting on human blood to nourish a fetus that your husband will eventually have to chomp out of your womb. (No, we aren't making this up). For those of us who miss the good ol' days when reading teen lit made you feel better about life (as opposed to in need of a long shower), it might be a good investment to pick up some of the following classic reads.

Despite the countless ways in which Ray Bradbury can put us ill at ease, his 1962 coming-of-age novel Something Wicked This Way Comes actually has a wholesome message at its core. Beneath all the carnies and funhouses, that is. The story follows two thirteen-year-olds named Will and Jim, whose visit to the traveling circus gets them involved with a wicked witch, a magic carousel, and a guy who has tattooed both their faces on his hands. (Clearly, this predates the cameraphone.)

For whatever reason, Jim is drawn to all things dangerous, creepy, or both, and desperately wants to ride the carousel that can instantly turn him into an adult à la Tom Hanks in Big. Will, on the other hand, enjoys being thirteen and has absolutely no desire to pursue adulthood through unnatural means. (Clearly, this predates VH1.) With the help of Will's father, the two learn how to kill evil with a smile - literally - and laugh in the face of insecurity, even when that face is your own. Only Ray Bradbury can pull off something like that while still managing to scare the crap out of you.

Ten Literature Classics That Should Be On Every Child's Bookshelf

Many parents and grandparents ask me "Which classics should I buy for my kids?"

Every teacher, librarian or parent has different ideas about what makes a book a classic.

I do have favorites, and I use a certain criteria to judge which books I consider classics! I look at how old the book is. A newly written book may be well written, and popular, but I don't consider it a classic - yet. A classic will stand the test of time. It will still be popular and people will want to read it many years after it was written. A classic should be part of our cultural literacy. In other words, you've grown up knowing about it. If someone mentions Winnie the Pooh, you should know who they're talking about!

Four Authors of Classical Contemporary Literature Defined the Craft of Writing Perfect Prose

From academicians to book critics to lay readers, each is often eager to recommend a list of authors who will provide aspiring writers with a sound foundation from which to build. Any suggestions should be revered, and it would be ridiculous for one person to state that her/his idea of quality prose is better than another's.

However, there are four aspects of the craft of writing that many who understand literature would argue have never been better addressed: Steinbeck's perfection with dialogue, Faulkner's depth of characterization, Hemingway's precise narrative, and Fitzgerald's palpable creation of mood.

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The Impact of the Internet on Contemporary Literature

Literature basically is everything that has ever been written. Anything from the earliest poems of Homer, to today's web pages, can be considered literature. But for a specific sense, there are various kinds of literature. Literature can be written in a specific language, like English Literature or be written by a specific culture, such as African Literature. But literature really means more than printed words and the internet certainly is a part of literature. I should note that the word literature comes from the French phrase belles-lettres, which means "beautiful writing". When a piece of work is called literature, it is usually considered a great work of art. The internet literature does not necessarily have to be this way for the fact that no one controls the internet literature. In the following essay I am going to speak about the impact of the internet on literature of nowadays.

There are two main classes of literature which are also present on the internet: fiction and nonfiction. Fiction is writing that an author creates from the imagination. Authors may include personal experience, or facts about real people or events, but they combine these facts with imagined situations (Moran, 45). In non-internet literature the project undergoes at least some sort of censorship in terms of what words can be used, yet the internet allows the authors to put anything they desire on the web site and enjoy it. Most fiction is narrative writing, such as novels and short stories. Fiction also includes drama and poetry. Nonfiction is factual writing about real-life situations. The principal forms of nonfiction include the essay, biography, autobiography, and diary (Browner, 90). The internet presents a new forms--internet pages, or internet books.

The Classical Education Model

Touted to be the return to a proven method of past centuries, the Classical Educational Model is gaining in popularity among homeschooling parents. The model is characterized by exposure to history, art, culture, languages, philosophy, and literature of Western Civilization. With a Christian emphasis (it also concentrates on the development of a biblical view of the world and Theology is considered to be the queen of sciences), the core of this model is the Trivium, which tailors curriculum subject matter to a child's cognitive development.

The Trivium is based on three levels, or stages of teaching and learning based on the age and ability of the child. The goals of the Trivium are Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.

This stage is the based on concrete learning. In Bloom's taxonomy, this is considered to be the base of the learning pyramid. In this stage, rote memorization is the emphasis. Many public school systems call this "kill and drill." The idea is for kids to learn the vocabulary, rules, and basics first. This level is recommended for the elementary ages of children.

Trends and Challenges in Modern Literature

The world is changing at accelerated pace. It becomes more and more like a giant stage with numerous postmodern screenplays flashing tremendously before our eyes.

You do not share this view? This is just a short reminder of the recent news:

Geneva, 10 September 2008. The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN was successfully steered around the full 27 kilometers of the world's most powerful particle accelerator at 10h28 this morning.

A European court says the idea a new supercollider project could create a "celestial vacuum" (nice name for the black hole) and eventually consume the Earth is worth discussing, but the project can move forward on schedule anyway.

We wake up each morning to a cheep 70's SF movie. Just a mirror reflections of the "state of the art" in human evolution. You have to admit it. We split the atom, the center of everything, and in so doing we created chaos.

The Contemporary Poets reflect this chaos. Postmodern literature does the same thing. Pick out the fragments. Out of the chaos, the modernists and the postmodernists pull fragments of life around them. They then leave it to the reader to put these fragments back together.

Does African-American Literature Exist?

The question of what makes a piece of writing African American literature or not is one that I have never been confronted with before. I have certainly never been challenged to question the entire existence of the genre before taking a course entitled "ENGL 234: Major Writers in African American Literature". On the contrary, frequent evenings spent perusing bookstores have fortified the notion in my mind that the genre is alive and well. Other literature courses have not touched on this subject at all much less brought this question to light. Through that course, however, I found that it is certainly one worth exploring and one that deserves a definitive answer. I have come to understand the genre of African American literature as encompassing any piece of literature that deals specifically with issues unique to African Americans as a culture.

It is interesting to consider the definition for this genre that our English 234 class came up with at the start of this course. We all seemed to have a general understanding of what it was that we could agree upon. Students said based on what they had read in the past, that the genre was made up of books that seemed more 'real' than other books; that there was less fiction in black literature. It was also said that these books had to do with mostly issues surrounding slavery. It did not even seem to be a question that the authors of these books would be African American themselves, that appeared to be a given. It is funny that we were all so convinced that we knew what this genre was at the beginning of the course and how student's definitions have since completely changed, well mine has at least.

It is surprising to me, upon consideration, that I would agree with the claim that African American literature seemed more 'real' than books from other genres. It seems very ignorant to assume that all authors of African American literature actually had all of the life experiences they write about actually happen to them. In fact, most piece of this type of literature are fictional. Though some authors may have drawn from actual historical accounts, many of the stories themselves come from the writer's imagination. It is still safe to say that African American literature is more real than fantasy. The parameters of my definition steer it away from fantasy and more towards real, human experiences.

Modern Classical Music

Classical music in strict terms is music that was written and composed during a very specific time period. This time period is 1750 to 1820. What is it that sets this particular period apart from the Baroque period which comes right before or the Romantic which is the period right after? These are not just random dates that some forgotten historian chose, but rather refer to the actual way that the music was composed.

In literature, there are a number of recognized styles of writing. A limerick or a Haiku are both poems, and yet each one has a very strict format and layout. This same principle applies to music. Pieces written during the classical period have a very distinct structure and layout as well. A person who has classical music training can recognize the differences between pieces in the same way that a person schooled in literature can tell you the exact difference between an English sonnet and an Italian one.

So what happens when you have a piece of music that follows this exact format, but was written during a later period? Do you call it a piece of classical music, or maybe, a modern classical piece?

One of the latest trends in the world of video gaming is to have background music that is written in the classical style. These are not simple tunes, these are pieces that are written to be preformed and played by an entire orchestra. The people who are composing the music are those that have been educated in the field of music and are following the format of the classic composition. The creators of these pieces are not only wonderful writers, they are often musicians themselves.

Women's Breasts in Literature

This was a little thought that hit me today. Usually I don't make corolations between little things in literature unless I read more than one book in a single day. Today was one of those days though, so here's a good thought. The description of a woman's breasts constantly comes up. It's bound to happen. Most of the authors and protagonists are men. The lion's share of decent books written by women don't get stuck up on something so basic to the human anatomy. Women tend to focus more specifically on the emotional development of a novel and not necessarily glaze over the physical, but they sure as hell don't dwell on the unnecessary physical "endowment". Anyways back to how men describe women's breasts.

There are some factors as to how the breasts are described. It depends on the nationality of the author, his age, and his genre of writing. It makes sense if you think about it; Pynchon isn't going to describe anatomy the same way as Cory Doctorow. Completely different methods. I omit classic literature not because authors in those times never wrote of a woman's breasts, but because they tended to gloss over the issue and most descriptions were the same. And if you've read an old classic novel that is sensual enough to offer up these sorts of descriptions, please pass it along. Can't imagine a whole lot of "classics" going the down and dirty route.

The shape seems to come up a lot. It seems a bit odd to me personally, but 9 times out of 10 a writer will take the easy route here and simply utilize the basics of geometry to describe a woman's breasts. We don't read things about the gentle curves or such as much as say the hips or neck, but get things like conical, sharp angles, comparisons to round fruits (i.e. melons, grapefruits, etc.) and an occasional allusion to geographical structures like mountains and their subsequent slopes. Then of course, these break down into whether the author is writing a love scene, how much the narrator wants to touch said breasts, and to what degree the narrator is even interested (younger narrations tend towards the motherly view of the breasts, using similar descriptions but lacking the lecherous or amorous tone of the older descriptions.) I find this all very humorous, because I haven't read a book recently from a male perspective that doesn't describe the breasts of some female character for no reason. I understand when a character is involved romantically, or even carries feelings toward said character, but do we really need commentary on the woman walking across the street and her swollen breasts pulling at her yellow sweater from a homosexual character eating his lunch, or even a female protagonist commenting on other women's breasts. While I can see why this would come up, and I don't really have a problem with it, most of the time these descriptions just pop up for the simple reason that the writer wants to write about breasts because he's a guy and that's what guys do. I do the same thing. I am however going to try to figure out a way to minimize unnecessary sexual descriptions when they are completely out of context.

What is Children's Literature?

It may seem strange to think that there is some question as to what constitutes a children's book for many after all this would seem like a question with an obvious answer. A children's book was after all created for children. However Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain one of the books considered to be classical children's literature was originally intended for adults and as indeed received some past censorship because of how interpret it was considered for children. The Grimm's fairy tales also where written initially for adults, yet they where bought for children. This situation of children taking over what was supposed to be an book for adults has led to many problems. After all society then complains that the story was not appropriate for children, and so attacks to book. Further the book not being appropriate for children perhaps does cause some social problems. Yet we still seem to consider many such books as children's literature.

Why is it books written for adults become children's books? Or at least books read by children. Although it is perhaps impossible to state all the reasons for this situation, I would forward three theories on ways in which this can occur.

The first reason is that a book offers a fantastic reality, an imaginative story, children like such stories and so for whatever reason it is presumed that such imaginativeness is in the realm of children's literature. This could for example be the case with Gulliver's Travels and of course the Grimm's Fairy Tales. In many ways I would argue it's sad that if a story is fun and imaginative it is automatically pushed off into the realm of children. Not that children's literature is lesser, indeed this imaginativeness has helped in many ways to make it superior to that created for adults. Rather it is sad that adults do not presume that such creative genius is worth more of their time.

Another reason which a book might become children's literature is that it is about a child, for some reason a child character makes people automatically assume a child should read it, as if they are the only ones who can relate to a child. This is a ridiculous notion of course, we where all children and besides of which all such books where written by intelligent adults.

Don't Underestimate a Christian Classical Education

Your children are heavily influenced by education. It not only helps shape their view of the world and their ability to deal with life, it also plays a role in their strength of character. So it's really no wonder that deciding how and where your children should be educated can be a hard choice.

All schools and educational options have something to offer, whether the schools are public, private, religious, charter, home, or non-sectarian. However, there is also Christian Classical Education, which is different in that it is promoting the most proven form of education.

Some of the greatest and most famous leaders, thinkers, and scientists were products of Christian Classical Education. Some of those very leaders and thinkers were also the founding fathers of America.

Respected leaders, movers, and shakers continue to emerge from a shattered version of classical education. Regretfully, the untainted form of classical education includes a Christian worldview.

The reason Christian Classical Education is so successful is because of its basis in Trivium. Children go through three learning phases, regardless of how fast they learn.

How to Use a Classical Christian Education in Your Home

Classical Christian education was the foundation for schools in early American history. Most teachers or instructors were ministers who were educated in classical languages, Protestant theology, and literature.

The Bible was studied by students in its original Hebrew and Greek. They also read Greek classics in the original language.

Many of the most brilliant leaders and thinkers were a direct result of classical Christian education. The challenging and rigorous education forces the students to think and reason, which is why it's a winning system.

Unfortunately, our nation's education system has no regard for a commodity of this value. The current system operates on classless, irrational changes that makes degrees meaningless as far as showing us a person's ability to reason and think.

Other educational models of the past, such as Classical Christian education, have a foundation in working hard and acquiring book knowledge.

For the most part, the ability to analyze, reason, and look at things from other perspectives come from reading. Classical Christian education develops this scholarly skill so that students can understand and apply the Scriptures.